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The BIG Question

Alex Honnold is a professional rock climber who is the owner of the Honnold foundation. He is a motivational speaker who inspired many to follow their dreams and is a pioneer of rock climbing. He starred in movies Free Solo and the Alpinist. He is a pioneer of rock climbing and the first person to free solo El Capitan. I learnt many new things about Honnold through various websites like National Geographic, Britannica and, his own website.  


It has been interesting researching Alex Honnold for the past few weeks. There were a few challenges that I had to face, but there were also parts that were easy. Finding a reliable source was challenging, as I had to double check the information of the website so that it was accurate. Luckily, many of the sources were recognisable and were easily defined as safe. Some parts were easy because, I already had some background information before I started researching. 


Honnold has scaled many mountains and cliffs with no equipment, his best achievement being the El Capitan free solo. He has had many influences for example his camera man, Jimmy Chin. Jimmy has been with him since he started the rock climbing hobby and has motivated him when he did not believe in himself. Jimmy Chin also supported what Honnold did and helped him achieve his dream. Honnold had to go through many hardships for example, having to concentrate fully and not get distracted while on his free solos or he would fall to his death. Honnold had to be mentally and physically prepared before climbs. He managed to climb a 3000 feet mountain called El Capitan with no equipment. He spent hours on the cliff which  required mental and physical strength. 


Alex Honnold was very notable. He is the owner of the Honnold Foundation, which helps many of the less fortunate people to get electricity through solar power for their homes. He also does many motivational talks which inspire many to follow their dreams and not give up in what they do. He starred in documentaries The Alpinist, and Free Solo. In the Alpinist, he experienced Marc-Andre Leclerc free solo Mount Robson. In one of his talks, he mentions that he decided to free solo El Capitan because he believed he had not achieved something big in life. I think that he had achieved something big, because he was able to make life much better for many people, like the ones in Africa who are less fortunate. Many people are now able to have light when it is dark, cook, use things like dishwashers, and many other electrical related things. 


Honnold's work is both luck and hard work related. He was lucky because of the El Capitan climb. It was the perfect weather, and it did not rain. If it had rained, the rock would be too slippery to climb and he could fall. But, his work is also hard work related because, he had to work hard to be able to climb El Capitan. He also had to work hard to be able to provide money for the Honnold Foundation.  


As a child, Alex Honnold was said to be cold and lifeless. He mentions how he did not really like anyone. Not even his parents. But as he grew older, he started to appreciate his parents and other people for what they do. He had many faults in his personality like stubbornness and pride, but these faults may also be good because it makes you feel more confident. This potentially helped him with life because hit helped him persevere.  


Alex Honnold has inspired me in many ways. When he did the El Capitan free solo, he motivated me to do the things I want to do in life. He taught me to persevere and never give up even in the darkest times. He also taught me that anyone can help someone in need, for example, the Honnold foundation. Alex Honnold does not have much money. But, he is still more fortunate than others in third world countries. Donating one dollar, can help someone somewhere else in the world greatly. He has also made many connections to my life. He climbed El Capitan, which was tiring but he never gave up. This is similar to when I am at school. If a test or assignment is hard, I try my best even though I may not succeed.  


Studying Alex Honnold has been a pleasure this term. He has really inspired me to do what I love. He is notable because, he was able to ascend El Capitan without any equipment, he has a foundation which gives solar power to the less fortunate people, he has many inspirational talks, and he helped humanity realise that you can do anything if you persevere.  

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